Posted by alistair on 01 Dec 2016 /
How much Solar power do you need? Simply enter your info below to find out.
To get Daily Peak Hours of Sun see Solar Irradiation for Australia.
There’s also more detail in the blog post on How Much Solar?
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I’m interested in the W Hours calculation.. If I am correct 350w panels X 5 hours (Qld) would only give 350 x 5 = 1750 watts which is equal to 12 Amps.
My calculation is that 1750 w would be 145 amps at 12V..
12 amps for a 5 hour day would not charge a decent sized battery?
Hi John,
Apologies again for the delay in responding due to my spam-filter going feral on me.
Your first calc is good – 350W panels x 5 hrs = 1750 but I’m going be a pain and insist on Watt-Hours.
I’m not sure though where the 12 Amps comes from. You’re using a MPPT so maybe your 350W panels have a total short-circuit current of 12 Amps? If so, then the panels are at a higher voltage than 12V and the MPPT converts this to 350W/12V = 29 Amps for a 12V system. Over 5 hours (Qld) this would then give you 145Amp-Hours into a 12V battery. And if we have a nice 200Ah battery, the 145Ah solar input would take us from flat (zero) to over 70% (145Ah/200Ah), which is pretty good.
MPPTs can get a bit tricky to calculate – they down-convert the voltage to 12V, but they also up-convert the current – the watts remain the same though, so there’s no magic pudding in any of this…
Hope this helps.